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Spiritual Life

All Saints Day

St. Michael students begin each day as a school family with prayer. Over the announcements that are delivered through Google Meet, students are led through a guided meditation with Jesus, ask the saints to pray for them, and learn about the Saint of the Day as well as the Rosary mysteries prayed that day. Each morning and afternoon, the students together say, “Our foundation is JESUS! Our goal is to help each other get to heaven! To be saints!”

In addition to prayer at the beginning of the day, students participate in daily Religion class, pray before the beginning of each class, before and after lunch, and at the conclusion of the school day.

Every Friday and Holy Day students in Kindergarten-8th Grade attend Mass and participate through proclaiming the First Reading and the Psalm as well as leading the Prayers of the Faithful. Each First Friday, students attend Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Students in Grades 2 and 3 prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion and are encouraged to stay close to Jesus in the Sacraments.

Throughout the year, students also celebrate major Saint feastdays, our favorites being the feast of St. Michael (September 29) and All Saints Day (November 1).

Faith Connection

The family that prays together stays together! This is not just a popular saying! If you don’t have a regular family prayer time, add it to your schedule. Prayer – spending time talking to God – is the most important gift we can give to ourselves and our children. If you’re looking for a new way to pray, consider meditating on the life of Jesus with Mary in the Rosary. Not sure how to start? Simply google “how to pray the Rosary” and begin!

Blessed is She

Moms, grandmas, and spiritual mothers – if you are looking for a vibrant, down-to-earth, online women’s faith community, check out Blessed is She! They can be found on their website: blessedisshe.net and on social media: on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They also have a weekly podcast called The Gathering Place. You’ll be glad you checked them out!

Wash your hands

The SMS students have been learning about the importance of washing their hands properly. As they wash, they have been praying “Hail Marys” and learning about the Rosary. As you wash your hands throughout the day, consider offering a “Hail Mary” for the students and staff at SMS!